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Showing 17–21 of 21 results
Nitric Oxide (NO) Colorimetric Detection Kit
The DetectX® Nitric Oxide (NO) Detection Kit is designed to quantitatively measure Nitrate and Nitrite present in a variety of samples.
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity Kit
The DetectX® Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity Kit is designed to quantitatively measure SOD activity in a variety of samples. The assay measures all types of SOD activity, including Cu/Zn, Mn, and FeSOD types.
TBARS/MDA Universal Colorimetric Detection Kit
The DetectX® TBARS/MDA Universal Colorimetric Detection Kit allows assessment of lipid peroxidation without boiling water bath treatment.
Testosterone ISWE Mini-Kit
The ISWE Testosterone Mini-Kit is specifically designed to measure Testosterone present in a variety of samples and species for wildlife conservation.
Thiol Fluorescent Detection Kit
The DetectX® Thiol Fluorescent Detection Kit allows users to accurately determine free thiol content in samples using a proprietary substrate, ThioStar®, that is converted to a brightly fluorescent product by reacting with thiols in the sample.