Hemoglobin is an iron containing, multi-subunit protein responsible for transporting oxygen from the respiratory organs to the rest of the body tissues in vertebrates (with the exception of fish from the family Channichthyidae – which use a different oxygen transport system). The universal reference procedure for hemoglobin determination in blood has been the cyanmethemoblobin method as determined by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards InstituteTM and the International Council for Standardization in Haematology.(1,2,3) In this method, potassium ferricyanide and potassium cyanide convert hemoglobin to a more stable cyanmethemoglobin form that is measured photometrically. While this method is straightforward and uses a single reaction solution, not all forms of hemoglobin are converted to cyanmethemoglobin at the same rate or even to completion. In addition to the safety issues surrounding cyanide, the reagent itself is not stable so extra care needs to be taken to ensure the quality of any measurement. Alternatively, our Dual-Range Hemoglobin Detection Kit (K013-H1) does not contain any dangerous chemicals, and all kit reagents are stable at 4°C.  The Dual Range Hemoglobin Detection kit is calibrated to a native human hemoglobin standard and is designed to measure all forms of hemoglobin in whole blood, serum, plasma, and RBCs. Assay results are obtained in just 30 minutes.

In mature mammalian red blood cells, hemoglobin makes up roughly 96% of the total dry mass. Because the amount of hemoglobin present in red blood cells is so large it remains reasonably consistent relative to other components in blood.  It is, therefore, frequently used as a biomarker for normalization of assays carried out on blood or red blood cell samples, with the amount of analyte being reported as per gram of hemoglobin. The normalization of these results to an independent biomarker such as hemoglobin allows results to be compared across different samples, different patients, and even different researchers or settings.   The “Regular Format” of our Dual-Range Hemoglobin Detection Kit is ideal for this purpose with a standard curve range from 16-0.25 g/dL and a sensitivity of 0.021 g/dL.

Levels of hemoglobin in serum or plasma samples can be measured using the “High Sensitivity” format of the kit protocol with a standard curve range from 20-0.313 mg/mL (2-0.031 g/dL) and a sensitivity of 0.020 mg/mL (0.0020 g/dL).   This format may also be used to detect blood contamination in other fluids >30 ppm.


Citations for our Hemoglobin Dual Range Colorimetric Detection Kit

•Relevance of hemolysis-induced tissue factor expression on monocytes in soft clot formation in alcohol-containing blood
Intraindividual Temporal miRNA Variability in Serum, Plasma, and White Blood Cell Subpopulations
Bioavailability Study of an Innovative Orobuccal Formulation of Glutathione in Oxidative Stress in Disease and Aging: Mechanisms and Therapies
Impaired recovery from peritoneal inflammation in a mouse model of mild dietary zinc restriction
Bioavailability Study of an Innovative Orobuccal Formulation of Glutathione
Method Validation for Preparing Serum and Plasma Samples from Human Blood for Downstream Proteomic, Metabolomic, and Circulating Nucleic Acid-Based
Real-time measurements of endogenous carbon monoxide production in isolated pig lungs

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