
  • Catalog Number K049-H
  • Assay Type Competitive ELISA
  • Sample Types Extracted Serum, Extracted Plasma, Tissue Culture Media
  • Sensitivity 3.67 pg/mL
  • Species Species Independent
  • Assay Duration Overnight Assay (16-18 hours)
  • Samples/Plate 39 in Duplicate
  • Readout Colorimetric, 450 nm


Assay Principle: 

The DetectX® Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) ELISA Kit quantitatively measures AVP in extracted serum, extracted plasma, and tissue culture media. This competitive ELISA requires a 16-hour run time. Read the complete kit insert before starting the assay. The kit includes an AVP standard to generate a standard curve.

Protocol Summary:

  • Place standards or diluted samples into the provided transparent microtiter plate coated with goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody.
  • Add AVP peroxidase conjugate and AVP polyclonal rabbit antibody, ensuring even mixing.
  • Incubate the mixture at 4°C with shaking for 16 hours. The immunological reaction is inversely proportional to the AVP concentration in the sample.
  • After incubation, wash away excess conjugate and add TMB substrate. The substrate reacts with the bound conjugate to produce a measurable signal.
  • Use a plate reader to measure the signal intensity at 450nm and calculate AVP concentration based on the standard curve.


Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) is a key hormone involved in body water regulation and osmotic balance. The posterior pituitary gland releases AVP in response to factors like sexual stimulation, uterine dilatation, stress, and dehydration, primarily acting on renal collecting tubules to increase water reabsorption. AVP imbalances are central to conditions such as diabetes insipidus, which involves the inability to concentrate urine adequately, often due to decreased AVP production or renal response.

Inappropriate AVP secretion is commonly observed in elderly patients and those with central nervous system pathologies, including head injuries, strokes, or cerebral tumors. Furthermore, AVP plays a important role in social behavior, sexual motivation, and pair bonding. Its release into the brain influences maternal responses to stress and various aspects of interpersonal relationships.

The DetectX® Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) ELISA Kit is an important tool for endocrinology and neurobiology research, facilitating the study of AVP’s multifaceted roles in human physiology and pathology. This kit ensures high sensitivity and specificity for detailed hormonal analysis in diverse biological samples.

Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) ELISA Kits

In Stock
1 Plate K049-H1
5 Plates K049-H5

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